
Ragarding Job Offer Scam

Please note that MEMORIAL Healthcare Group is not affiliated with memorial-jobs.com. If you have been contacted with a job offer over email originating from memorial-jobs.com, please disregard it as it is likely to be scam. Do not respond to any requests from memorial-jobs.com. MEMORIAL Healthcare Group shall not be held liable or responsible for any damages as a result of your communication and interaction with third-party websites, such as memorial-jobs.com. Turkish Republic Law does not allow hospitals to hire any medical staff from abroad.

Online Contact Form

Step 1: Basic info

1000 characters left

Step 2: Upload Documents

If you are requesting a diagnosis check or want to enquire about the possibilities for medical treatment, please enclose all applicable documentation in English, German, Russian or Turkish.

Step 3: Check and Click "Send"

Your information is treated as confidential and will only be shared within the organisation in order to facilitate a reply to your questions or a preliminary treatment plan.

Balgat Mahallesi
Çankaya - Ankara

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